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Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one

You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint business with your other half.Therefore, considering the option of creating a new project, it is very important to think not only about what kind of business you want to have. But also about the people with whom you want to work.

Remember: business is created by people!

How to find a perfect business partner? As a rule, everyone starts searching in their own social circle. Former classmates, current colleagues, friends, family and even loved ones … It is among these people that entrepreneurs are looking for those who will spend 14 hours with them in order to build a successful business.

Among all these people, there is one group (or category) with which you should look more carefully before you finally make a decision. It’s about your loved ones.

Here is one story related to this caution, which was told by a business woman who wished to remain incognito. Let’s call her Alena.

Alena met her boyfriend for a year and a half until they decided to start a joint business. After the establishment of the company, the couple tried for two years to maintain their relationship. For both it was a very difficult time. Looking back, Alain realizes that neither she nor her boyfriend fully realized what they were going for. Also, before that, they had absolutely no experience of combining business and personal relationships at the same time. They quarreled many times over their own ambitions and desire to be a leader.

But none of them became a leader. Moreover, their business is also not crowned with success, as well as personal relationships. It was one of the most difficult and emotionally devastating periods in the life of Alena. She is even now, after several years, not easy to remember this story.

Today, Alena cannot clearly tell why she broke up with her boyfriend. Perhaps the reason lies in their business, personal qualities, or in both factors at once. The only thing that a woman is sure of is that everything could turn out differently, much better for them. Do not let this mistake.

But, as they say, what’s done is done … Alain and her boyfriend simply did not know how to maintain a balance between business and personal relationships.

We tried to identify some pros and cons of such situations. As well as a plan of action, if you nevertheless decided to engage in a joint business with your other half.

The trust
You trust each other. You have a common life story and you care about the comfort, professional growth and success of each other. You know that your partner is your support.

Unlike personal relationships, you will see the other qualities of your partner. Qualities that could go unnoticed if you did not start a joint business. Now you have a chance to get to know each other on a more serious level, and perhaps get even closer thanks to this.

You do not spend your time with just anyone. You definitely do not build relationships with just anyone. Your partner is really a wonderful person! Not only because he is cute and cheerful, but also because he is incredibly intelligent, talented and persistent. These are the qualities that a business partner should possess.

You do not need to spend extra time to find a business partner.

Finding a good person for personal relationships is the most difficult task. It is much easier to go ahead with someone you know and who you can rely on.

You get along with each other. You have common interests and values. You enjoy spending time together. That’s the beauty of relationships. Now put all these wonderful things together and transfer them to the business.

Total profit
When you create a company with someone who is not your favorite person, you have to share profits. However, if you create a business with your partner, you can not share the income, using it to improve your life together.

You spend most of your time together and are always there when your half needs your presence.

If you make a mistake, you still know that your partner will understand and support you. He will not think worse of you and will not begin to complicate your life.

You can start an exciting joint adventure. There is a lot to talk about. A lot of things can be done. This will support the freshness, activity and brightness of your relationship.