and about the peculiarities
How to become a talented leader
Seven tips on how to become the most beloved boss. There are very few talented managers in the world, and even less gifted managers. But, if you wish, you can learn everything, transfer
Career: how not to stay for life in the initial positions? Continue reading
IT market: How to survive in an era of crisis
According to IDC’s assessment, the reduction of the traditional IT market in Ukraine in 2013 was 8% (including telephony, the growth was 3.7%) – with a weighted forecast of 0% a year earlier. Under a moderately optimistic scenario, the fall of the IT market in 2014 will be 25%. This is primarily due to a decrease in the purchasing power of both the state and private clients. In many ways, the current situation resembles the period of 2009, when companies were forced to revise their budgets, and IT in particular, in the direction of current needs – to “survive” here and now. Continue reading
Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very busy. And remembering that a crisis is not only a threat, but also an opportunity, they decide to start their own business.
Business tourism seems very attractive for active, thinking, experienced people. Continue reading