Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…

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The Art of Making Money: The 12 Rules of Herbert Casson
A question that worries many and which is impossible to give a definite answer: on…


7 frankly wrong reasons to become an entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur becomes such, based on their own reasons. Most of them claim that they…

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5 ways to make your business more efficient
It's no secret that many launch an online store as a side activity, in addition…

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but which always find

The phenomenon of demand: how to become a visionary of consumer desires?
“Five or six years ago, leading business thinkers surveyed by our company noticed an increase…


7 frankly wrong reasons to become an entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur becomes such, based on their own reasons. Most of them claim that they…
