We think differently! How to keep track of your money
Surely, every person making money faced such a problem as unaccounted spending, forcing them to…

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Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…


5 signs that you should not open your business
To be or not to be your own business? This question is asked by many…

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People who cannot open a business: 8 basic types
Many entrepreneurs today are worried about the fact that often friends and acquaintances approach them…

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but which always find

Successes and failures of crowdfunding: examples, causes, investigations
Despite the fact that crowdfunding in the Internet business has existed for about 15 years,…


Key "P" efficient business
Today there are a huge number of different models of increasing business profitability and increasing…
