Anti-crisis PR: how to promote a company and not to burn?
The crisis is the most difficult time for companies, during which it is important for…

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10 things that great entrepreneurs do
1. Choose one thing and be strong in it. Startups are small. Resources are limited.…


Preparing a business for the holidays: how to "seduce" customers using social networks?
Have you already thought about how to build a festive advertising campaign using social networks?…

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We think differently! How to keep track of your money
Surely, every person making money faced such a problem as unaccounted spending, forcing them to…

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own business

10 mistakes that are peculiar to all entrepreneurs

When starting a business, one often faces many difficulties: it is necessary to compete with other “novelties”, one has to draw up a business plan, look for an office, select employees, think over an advertising campaign. This list is endless. And this is not affecting the issues of financing. Continue reading

Business Tips: How to Fulfill New Year's Promises
 “Everything, on January 1, right in the morning, I will sign up for the gym,…


People who cannot open a business: 8 basic types
Many entrepreneurs today are worried about the fact that often friends and acquaintances approach them…
