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Preparing a business for the holidays: how to “seduce” customers using social networks?

Have you already thought about how to build a festive advertising campaign using social networks? At the beginning of the holiday season, the demand may not be so great, but at the end of it – the users of social networks become real “burning customers”. Therefore, it is worthwhile to ensure in advance that all the necessary information about holiday offers was placed on your pages, and this was done as professionally as possible and thought out.

Earlier, we already talked about how to prepare the company’s website for work on holidays and shared some secrets of holiday Email marketing. This time we will consider social networks as a way to attract customers during the holiday period.

A survey conducted last year by Crowdtap showed that 65% of shoppers during the holiday period use social networks to find the perfect gift. Sometimes they are the last chance for a business to maximize sales and sell products that are intended for purchase as a gift.

“Regardless of whether you own a huge hypermarket or a small business, holidays are a good time to develop your online influence through social networks,” says Weaving Influence’s head of social marketing strategy expert Becky Robinson. Having considerable experience in this field, knowing all her details, specifics at different times of the year and under different market conditions, she offered some tips on how to use social networks to listen, control and interact with existing customers and attract potential ones.

Learn to listen to customers and the market.
Although many enterprises create a schedule of updating pages on social networks in advance, Ms. Robinson believes that it is worth departing from principles in this matter and demonstrate a willingness to communicate with subscribers outside of established boundaries.

“Although, of course, it is very tempting to be able to initially plan and publish advertising updates during the holiday season, you can stand out by listening to customer requests and answering specific questions,” the expert believes. Such a solution will help you avoid obsession and give your subscribers the feeling that they are being cared for.

Ms. Robinson also advises enterprises to always keep their ears open, to monitor the market and their place on it. She recommends using analytical studies that will allow you to monitor other brands, as well as check your social channels several times a day.

Users often post information about the products and services that you offer. Do not miss the opportunity,having noticed their interest , to turn these people into their clients.

One option, according to Becky Robinson, is this: to get “on the radar” of buyers, enterprises should save search results, for example, on Twitter, for their industry or region, and then find relevant tweets and updates on social networks, regularly checking search stream.

If the messages of a user who is not your subscriber encounter the general name of a product without specifying a brand (but you understand that this is about the type of product you are offering), this may be the impetus to make the customer an offer ahead of his interest. to your competitor. During holidays, this is especially important, as the number of offers grows with the increase in demand. Whoever first decides to appeal to the consumer, drawing his attention to himself, can become a winner.

Be open and truthful
Social networks are not only the promotion of products and services. This is building relationships.

Becky Robinson believes that enterprises should “delegate” a particular person so that he personally participates in the life of a company’s social networking page in real-time mode every day. One of the ways are comments to impressions or facts that subscribers share or questions about them.

During the holidays, businesses can actively share their realities of life, to give customers an idea of ​​how the team prepares for the holidays and celebrates them. You can post photos, talk about events daily and share stories from office life.

Provide “special love” to the most loyal customers
Although ideally people become subscribers of social media brands to get the latest news from them, Becky Robinson claims that this is not the main reason for joining such an online community.

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