State pressure on business: Is there a chance to survive
In the time of crisis, which Ukraine is experiencing now, business demonstrates a valuable ability…

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The phenomenon of demand: how to become a visionary of consumer desires?
“Five or six years ago, leading business thinkers surveyed by our company noticed an increase…


10 mistakes that are peculiar to all entrepreneurs
When starting a business, one often faces many difficulties: it is necessary to compete with…

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Writing a business plan: Financial forecast and team work
Writing a business plan is a complex process, preceded by market research and competitor analysis.…

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Startups and giants: what hides the current technological boom?
From the end of the century, scientific and technical progress, sung in the 20th century,…


10 ways to always be in money
Anyway, much in modern life depends on money. Housing, most services, health - for all…
