When is the best time to start your own business?
There are many start-ups around the world who have abandoned everything and decided that the…

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When is the best time to start your own business?

There are many start-ups around the world who have abandoned everything and decided that the perfect time has finally come for them to work for themselves.

When is the right time to start your own business?
Stefan Siegel: “It seems to me wrong when people who have just finished studying start a business. You need to gain experience and figure out what you really want. When I started to work for myself, I already reached a certain level of life. Not quite right when some begin to work for themselves guided purely by the desire to get rich.

Start your own business before you start a family and children. Of course, it is better if you start a business when you already have some experience. Do not be afraid to try your hand at entrepreneurship, there are many examples of how people started with nothing, and their projects became large-scale. ”

Every day we answer this question, explaining the essence of the events in the evening newsletter UBR

Tim Jackson: “There are some fantastic entrepreneurs who are unfamiliar with the concept of” impossible. “They are used to achieving their goals, they work a lot and have a lot of experience. And it seems to me that a person must have incredible knowledge to start working for himself right from the university” .

What is the best advice on doing business you have ever received?
Nick Holcherr: “Thanks to a rental, I understood how to treat expenses. I realized that initially it was worth creating a decent team and only then thinking about other expenses.”

Tim Jackson: “Do not try to keep employees. If a person does not like working at your company, then he is unlikely to be able to achieve some kind of result and benefit for your enterprise.

Netflix offers employees a bonus of $ 2,000 and resign within a month if something does not suit them at work. On the one hand, such a proposal is absurd, but on the other – very well thought out, because if you are not sure that this work is for you, then you should not work in a company. ”

Stefan Siegel: “I didn’t sleep a few nights before I fired the employee for the first time. The best advice I’ve ever heard is not to pull with serious decisions and actions.”

What would you advise aspiring entrepreneurs?
Tim Jackson: “Create for yourself a schedule in which you set aside time for your main work, to work on a project, and to rest. Set yourself goals: for a week, a month, a few months. This will help you to understand whether you really are for what you undertook. ”

Stefan Siegel: “Start working as a student. This will allow you to gain experience even before graduation, and with higher education you will get a more concrete idea of ​​where you would like to go further.”

What principles should be guided by hiring the first employees?
Nick Holzherr: “Starting my own business, first of all I hired a specialist in working with staff. It was this person who helped me find the rest of the staff. In the early stages of work, it is difficult to choose worthy candidates for this or that position. Besides, you may get lost on the market and get confused about who deserves what kind of salary. ”

Stefan Siegel: “Now there are many who want to work in our company, so we have the opportunity to choose. All candidates for the position go through a mandatory free internship, after which we look to see if this person really suits us.”

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