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The Art of Making Money: The 12 Rules of Herbert Casson

A question that worries many and which is impossible to give a definite answer: on what does business success depend?

Is it really that Her Majesty Fortune is more favorable to some, but not to others? Are there no objective laws or rules explaining success or failure? We can comfort you that there were laws, or in any case, attempts to open such laws.

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And the most successful research in this area were the books of the English businessman Herbert Newton Casson, quotations from which were published on the social network for business people Professionals.ru.
Despite the fact that the works of Kesson were created in the early 20th century, their popularity remains high today. Written on the basis of a great deal of personal experience and deep knowledge, accessible and concise, they are translated into many languages ​​of the world and are a kind of “manifesto” of business.

In one of his books, “What Every Businessman Should Know,” Kesson named some common factors that determine the success or failure of a business:

1. Location of a business

The main thing is not the size of the store, but the number of people who see it every day and can become a buyer.

2. Personal qualities and personal popularity

A person with such qualities as composure, discipline, organization, honesty, will most likely succeed, since it is these qualities of his character that will be the key to the reliability of his work.

And if a person is also sociable, interesting in conversation, that is, he has an interlocutor to himself, then his chances of success in business increase many times over.

3. Efficiency

One of the most essential qualities. His presence in a person is a sign of professionalism. No empty fuss and throwing from side to side, exclamations and reproaches. Only business acumen and organization. To know and do first of all what you need to do exactly in the first place, move aside or transfer to someone minor matters and decisions, concentrate on the main thing.

4. Possessing super-benefits

Remember the twin companies. Their weight: they sell (or produce) the same thing, according to the same scheme … They are afraid to move away from the established pattern. They are afraid of innovation. And this is the beginning of their end. Such “sameness” causes indifference among consumers.

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Well, what’s the difference, buy here or in another store, everything is the same everywhere. A third store will appear, you can also go there. But suddenly this third one offered its customers, for example, a discount program, which won their undoubted location and gained an advantage over competitors. His success is indisputable.

5. Availability of special knowledge

Even if a person has an innate “commercial vein”, it would not hurt to get special knowledge in the field of economics and business. They will not be superfluous.

So, these were general approaches or, figuratively speaking, the “elementary school” of Casson science. Then – more in-depth knowledge of business for those who are able to use them wisely, consistently and decisively in life. This knowledge directly or indirectly affects the topic of finance.

In his books, Kesson argued that most of the mistakes are made by businessmen in the field of finance.

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According to Casson, the difference between finance and business is as follows: finance is the art of preservation, and business is the art of making money. So, Kasson came to the conclusion that the activity in the field of finance is practically not subject to axioms, so it is more risky and unpredictable. This is confirmed by statistics: out of 100 people only 20 become wealthy, of these 20 people – 16 later lose their money in one way or another.
In financial activities can be guided not by the laws, but by the rules.

These rules, known as Kesson’s “12 rules for success,” help people who have received capital not to lose it.

1. You need to invest money only in what you understand

No need to feel any illusions that any business in which invested money will bring profit. Those who offered to invest money, he pursues mercenary goals, which often go against yours.

2. You can not invest money under pressure

You were persuaded, they deceived you. No, it was you who allowed yourself to be persuaded, deceived, pressed. Although it was immediately clear that if you are under pressure, and you are inwardly resisting, it is not your interests that are here to defend. There are many scammers in the world who use this method.

3. Money must be made on property, not on plans.

Property, according to Casson, has its inalienable value. Property exists real today and will be real tomorrow. It can always be turned into money: sell, mortgage, rent out.

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