20 quotes of famous people about entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle. Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of…

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How to become an unforgettable leader
“I remember all my superiors,” writes Jeff Hayden in Inc.com magazine. “Although some of them…


Successes and failures of crowdfunding: examples, causes, investigations
Despite the fact that crowdfunding in the Internet business has existed for about 15 years,…

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How to become a talented leader
Seven tips on how to become the most beloved boss. There are very few talented…

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bag of money

Startups and giants: what hides the current technological boom?
From the end of the century, scientific and technical progress, sung in the 20th century,…


5 ways to make your business more efficient
It's no secret that many launch an online store as a side activity, in addition…
