How can companies protect themselves from information threats?
To ensure information security (IB), a company needs to decide what needs to be done,…

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Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very…


Business Tips: How to Fulfill New Year's Promises
 “Everything, on January 1, right in the morning, I will sign up for the gym,…

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Successes and failures of crowdfunding: examples, causes, investigations
Despite the fact that crowdfunding in the Internet business has existed for about 15 years,…

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lack of money

How to avoid common mistakes when creating a startup?

1. Raising your own talents
Along with the fact that financial problems are increasingly fading into the background, the demand for highly qualified specialists is growing.

One of the possible solutions is to create a program for interns. In the US, one of the baseball teams uses similar methods: they pour in millions of dollars a year to find promising players and help them develop. Continue reading

Secrets of naming: history and useful tips
"As you call a ship, it will float in the same way" - popular wisdom,…


10 things that great entrepreneurs do
1. Choose one thing and be strong in it. Startups are small. Resources are limited.…
