7 frankly wrong reasons to become an entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur becomes such, based on their own reasons. Most of them claim that they…

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The phenomenon of demand: how to become a visionary of consumer desires?
“Five or six years ago, leading business thinkers surveyed by our company noticed an increase…


Tell STOP "burning time": how to effectively organize yourself
There are two types of people: the first ones like to keep track of where…

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10 things that great entrepreneurs do
1. Choose one thing and be strong in it. Startups are small. Resources are limited.…

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everyone starts searching

How to avoid common mistakes when creating a startup?

1. Raising your own talents
Along with the fact that financial problems are increasingly fading into the background, the demand for highly qualified specialists is growing.

One of the possible solutions is to create a program for interns. In the US, one of the baseball teams uses similar methods: they pour in millions of dollars a year to find promising players and help them develop. Continue reading

BYOD for Small Business: How to Protect Employee Personal Gadgets

Security threats associated with employees using personal devices for business purposes (BYOD, bring-your-own-device) are still often overlooked by organizations. A study by Kaspersky Lab * showed that many owners of small companies believe that BYOD does not pose any danger to their business and prefer to save on the protection of mobile devices, while employees consider such protection to be the task of the employer. Continue reading

Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one

You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint business with your other half.Therefore, considering the option of creating a new project, it is very important to think not only about what kind of business you want to have. But also about the people with whom you want to work. Continue reading

Internet and business: numbers and facts you need to know
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. In particular, it has a huge…


10 questions that should be answered before launching a franchise
With franchising, as with a marriage, do not rush. There is a high probability that…
