Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one
You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint…

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Business Tips: How to Fulfill New Year's Promises
 “Everything, on January 1, right in the morning, I will sign up for the gym,…


Internet and business: numbers and facts you need to know
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. In particular, it has a huge…

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Tell STOP "burning time": how to effectively organize yourself
There are two types of people: the first ones like to keep track of where…

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20 quotes of famous people about entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle.

Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of people who are not afraid of challenging themselves and the rest of the world and bring every started business to the end. They are characterized by high self-esteem, riskiness, aggressiveness and a high level of intelligence. Continue reading

How to protect against bankruptcy new enterprise
No one can be prepared to fail. Even those who seem to be ready for…


Key "P" efficient business
Today there are a huge number of different models of increasing business profitability and increasing…
