7 frankly wrong reasons to become an entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur becomes such, based on their own reasons. Most of them claim that they…

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IT market: How to survive in an era of crisis
According to  IDC's assessment, the reduction of the traditional IT market in Ukraine in 2013…


Corporate site: necessity or excess?
Every year the Internet is increasingly penetrating our lives. Not so long ago - in…

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How to become a talented leader
Seven tips on how to become the most beloved boss. There are very few talented…

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Forget about vacation

Corporate site: necessity or excess?

Every year the Internet is increasingly penetrating our lives. Not so long ago – in the mid-2000s, the Internet in the office was more of a curiosity than a necessity, and, until now, many old-fashioned institutions did not get the Internet – they believe that they simply don’t need a network. Is it really? To answer the question, you need to understand what the company requires from the site. Continue reading

Useful life hack. How to promote an Internet company to Western markets?

Sooner or later, many companies are faced with the problem of the need for growth and development. In this situation, you can choose either the expansion within the same market, or the conquest of new ones. About how Internet companies become a successful player in foreign markets, learned. Continue reading

20 quotes of famous people about entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle.

Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of people who are not afraid of challenging themselves and the rest of the world and bring every started business to the end. They are characterized by high self-esteem, riskiness, aggressiveness and a high level of intelligence. Continue reading

3 signs that it's time for you to tie up with entrepreneurship
Building a business from scratch can be very exciting and fruitful, but in the end,…


IT to the rescue. How do businesses use modern technology?
In our world, where everything is directly related to technology, and most of the tasks…
