How to evaluate a business?
The question of competent assessment of business today is more relevant than ever. Indeed, in…

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5 small business mistakes when creating a company website
Before creating a website - it was a proven way for a company to stand…


Key "P" efficient business
Today there are a huge number of different models of increasing business profitability and increasing…

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3 signs that it's time for you to tie up with entrepreneurship
Building a business from scratch can be very exciting and fruitful, but in the end,…

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two pages

Tell STOP “burning time”: how to effectively organize yourself

There are two types of people: the first ones like to keep track of where and why they spend their time, and the second, most likely, passively follow what the first are doing. You can be in the second group for a long time, but it is better to immediately understand how much you are missing in this case. Continue reading

How to choose a franchise
Franchise has many advantages over other types of business. But for the launch process to…


Make customers not happy, but happy. Or 10 thoughts about the client
Thanks to the company's customers make a profit. Thanks to satisfied customers, companies are developing,…
