Corporate site: necessity or excess?
Every year the Internet is increasingly penetrating our lives. Not so long ago - in…

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IT to the rescue. How do businesses use modern technology?
In our world, where everything is directly related to technology, and most of the tasks…


5 signs that you should not open your business
To be or not to be your own business? This question is asked by many…

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Internet and business: numbers and facts you need to know
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. In particular, it has a huge…

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then you should

When is the best time to start your own business?

There are many start-ups around the world who have abandoned everything and decided that the perfect time has finally come for them to work for themselves.

When is the right time to start your own business?
Stefan Siegel: “It seems to me wrong when people who have just finished studying start a business. Continue reading