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Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their product is and whether the market has been researched enough to open a new venture. But when a business plan is well developed and there is a need to move on to the next stage – fundraising, many people forget about another very important aspect of work – psychological readiness.

Behind all the benefits of work lies a lot of pitfalls. You need to remember that a good action plan is not enough, you need to present yourself in the role of an entrepreneur and are ready for enormous responsibility.

“The desire to open your own enterprise often appears when people less and less like to work for someone. This leads to the idea that becoming a business owner can get rid of many problems. While working for yourself, you have the opportunity to independently manage your opportunities and time, this is not all that you get, “- says Grace Klephem, co-founder of the educational agency The Change School, based on Bali.

Anything else you get with your personal business will be a little less fun.

“Entrepreneurs must be aware that private enterprise is hard work. It requires self-discipline, and moving forward despite various difficulties and obstacles,” notes Solonia Theodors, co-founder of Clapham.

Those who wish to work for themselves should first familiarize themselves with the specifics of working on their own enterprise, and be trained in specialized schools, especially for people who have not encountered the nuances of doing business.

Business News Daily suggests answering a few questions to help you understand if you can manage your own business.

Why do I want to do business?
Many start-up entrepreneurs go in the wake of earning opportunities, but their desire to work on the enterprise passes for several years. At the same time, the desire to earn should be in addition to the desire to realize a global plan. To make things really profitable, you should enjoy what you are doing.

“In the process of business development, you still have a passion for what you do? The only way to be confident in the viability of your business is a desire to grow and goals,” notes Grace Klepham.

Every day we answer this question, explaining the essence of the events in the evening newsletter UBR

Entrepreneurs may not be all. Many run their own enterprise and already in the process of work they realize that this is not at all what they need. Some people need only a little more responsibility in their current job: more team, more assignments.

“Entrepreneurship should not be considered as compensation for the shortcomings of the current job. In this case, invest time and energy in the search for new opportunities at the current place of work,” says Solonia Theodors.

Do I have friends who can help?
Look at your social circle and decide if there are people among your acquaintances who can help you run your business. Participate in discussions, various conferences, contact the experts who will be able to direct you in the right direction. Seek moral support.

“Often, entrepreneurs are left alone with their problems. Having friends who can help can play a key role,” says Grace Klepham.

When will you be able to bring the idea to life?
If you feel that you are ready to become an entrepreneur, give yourself time to prepare psychologically for a new life stage. Once again, ask yourself why you made this decision, review your business plan, and you can safely begin work on the launch of the enterprise. And in the process of work, you will understand when the time comes to open an enterprise.

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