20 quotes of famous people about entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle. Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of…

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How to choose a franchise
Franchise has many advantages over other types of business. But for the launch process to…


5 signs that you should not open your business
To be or not to be your own business? This question is asked by many…

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Successes and failures of crowdfunding: examples, causes, investigations
Despite the fact that crowdfunding in the Internet business has existed for about 15 years,…

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answer right here

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Business Tips: How to Fulfill New Year’s Promises

The Art of Making Money: The 12 Rules of Herbert Casson

A question that worries many and which is impossible to give a definite answer: on what does business success depend?

Is it really that Her Majesty Fortune is more favorable to some, but not to others? Are there no objective laws or rules explaining success or failure? We can comfort you that there were laws, or in any case, attempts to open such laws. Continue reading

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Make customers not happy, but happy. Or 10 thoughts about the client
Thanks to the company's customers make a profit. Thanks to satisfied customers, companies are developing,…


Writing a business plan: Financial forecast and team work
Writing a business plan is a complex process, preceded by market research and competitor analysis.…
