can seriously affect
How to protect against bankruptcy new enterprise
No one can be prepared to fail. Even those who seem to be ready for this can get a serious blow. Lack of money is the main obstacle to the development of almost any business, an obstacle that forces you to reconsider your ambitions.
According to Forbes, 80% of enterprises fail during the first 18 months of existence, 8 out of 10 startups do not live up to the second year. Continue reading
Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?
As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their product is and whether the market has been researched enough to open a new venture. But when a business plan is well developed and there is a need to move on to the next stage – fundraising, many people forget about another very important aspect of work – psychological readiness. Continue reading
Key “P” efficient business
Today there are a huge number of different models of increasing business profitability and increasing sales.
We will talk about 9 key P efficient and, most importantly, profitable business.
Most likely, you know about 4 P sales: Continue reading