"Working" business tips from 25 millionaires
This material contains non-standard tips from 25 millionaires from around the world. Therefore, if the…

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How to become a talented leader
Seven tips on how to become the most beloved boss. There are very few talented…


How to protect against bankruptcy new enterprise
No one can be prepared to fail. Even those who seem to be ready for…

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IT market: How to survive in an era of crisis
According to  IDC's assessment, the reduction of the traditional IT market in Ukraine in 2013…

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can seriously affect

How to protect against bankruptcy new enterprise

No one can be prepared to fail. Even those who seem to be ready for this can get a serious blow. Lack of money is the main obstacle to the development of almost any business, an obstacle that forces you to reconsider your ambitions.

According to Forbes, 80% of enterprises fail during the first 18 months of existence, 8 out of 10 startups do not live up to the second year. Continue reading

Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their product is and whether the market has been researched enough to open a new venture. But when a business plan is well developed and there is a need to move on to the next stage – fundraising, many people forget about another very important aspect of work – psychological readiness. Continue reading

Uninvented story: as a business newcomer to get the first customers
When a completely new player enters the market, obviously, he is not at all threatened…


Tell STOP "burning time": how to effectively organize yourself
There are two types of people: the first ones like to keep track of where…
