7 frankly wrong reasons to become an entrepreneur
Every entrepreneur becomes such, based on their own reasons. Most of them claim that they…

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Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?
As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their…


Internet and business: numbers and facts you need to know
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. In particular, it has a huge…

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10 questions that should be answered before launching a franchise
With franchising, as with a marriage, do not rush. There is a high probability that…

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security policy

How can companies protect themselves from information threats?

To ensure information security (IB), a company needs to decide what needs to be done, and then how. Without an understanding of this, any systems acquired and implemented will be no more than a waste of money. Understanding exactly what you need to do while ensuring information security will be helped by a timely developed information security policy, the writing of which must be taken seriously. Continue reading