We think differently! How to keep track of your money
Surely, every person making money faced such a problem as unaccounted spending, forcing them to…

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Writing a business plan: Financial forecast and team work
Writing a business plan is a complex process, preceded by market research and competitor analysis.…


5 ways to make your business more efficient
It's no secret that many launch an online store as a side activity, in addition…

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Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very…

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Secrets of naming: history and useful tips

“As you call a ship, it will float in the same way” – popular wisdom, which works in all spheres of life, including business. It is not surprising that a whole area of ​​knowledge, known as naming, is devoted to the problems of proper names for brands and companies. Moreover, there are quite a lot of companies in the world that specialize in developing the right in terms of success and attracting the attention of the audience for the names of brands, enterprises, brands, etc. About what is naming and how to use it correctly, we will tell in our material. Continue reading