Shopping instead of talking: how to establish communication between the company and the client
Everything is changing dynamically and quickly: the world, people, forms of communication. With the development…

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How to avoid common mistakes when creating a startup?
1. Raising your own talents Along with the fact that financial problems are increasingly fading…


Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…

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When is the best time to start your own business?
There are many start-ups around the world who have abandoned everything and decided that the…

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Secrets of naming: history and useful tips

“As you call a ship, it will float in the same way” – popular wisdom, which works in all spheres of life, including business. It is not surprising that a whole area of ​​knowledge, known as naming, is devoted to the problems of proper names for brands and companies. Moreover, there are quite a lot of companies in the world that specialize in developing the right in terms of success and attracting the attention of the audience for the names of brands, enterprises, brands, etc. About what is naming and how to use it correctly, we will tell in our material. Continue reading

How to become a talented leader
Seven tips on how to become the most beloved boss. There are very few talented…


Startups and giants: what hides the current technological boom?
From the end of the century, scientific and technical progress, sung in the 20th century,…
