5 small business mistakes when creating a company website
Before creating a website - it was a proven way for a company to stand…

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Uninvented story: as a business newcomer to get the first customers
When a completely new player enters the market, obviously, he is not at all threatened…


Successes and failures of crowdfunding: examples, causes, investigations
Despite the fact that crowdfunding in the Internet business has existed for about 15 years,…

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20 quotes of famous people about entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a lifestyle. Entrepreneurs are a separate caste of…

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Saving on small daily

Business Tips: How to Fulfill New Year’s Promises

How to protect against bankruptcy new enterprise

No one can be prepared to fail. Even those who seem to be ready for this can get a serious blow. Lack of money is the main obstacle to the development of almost any business, an obstacle that forces you to reconsider your ambitions.

According to Forbes, 80% of enterprises fail during the first 18 months of existence, 8 out of 10 startups do not live up to the second year. Continue reading

IT to the rescue. How do businesses use modern technology?
In our world, where everything is directly related to technology, and most of the tasks…


9 bad habits that will help in business
1. Attention to detail Entrepreneurs think big, often ignoring the details. When you run a…
