Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…

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10 ways to always be in money
Anyway, much in modern life depends on money. Housing, most services, health - for all…


We think differently! How to keep track of your money
Surely, every person making money faced such a problem as unaccounted spending, forcing them to…

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10 mistakes that are peculiar to all entrepreneurs
When starting a business, one often faces many difficulties: it is necessary to compete with…

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Secrets of naming: history and useful tips

“As you call a ship, it will float in the same way” – popular wisdom, which works in all spheres of life, including business. It is not surprising that a whole area of ​​knowledge, known as naming, is devoted to the problems of proper names for brands and companies. Moreover, there are quite a lot of companies in the world that specialize in developing the right in terms of success and attracting the attention of the audience for the names of brands, enterprises, brands, etc. About what is naming and how to use it correctly, we will tell in our material. Continue reading

5 small business mistakes when creating a company website

Before creating a website – it was a proven way for a company to stand out from the crowd. Today, this is no longer an option, since the vast majority of enterprises, including representatives of small businesses, can put a tick in the list of such “achievements”. Given the new conditions of the game, you need to create not just a site, but a good, functional site. Continue reading

Tell STOP "burning time": how to effectively organize yourself
There are two types of people: the first ones like to keep track of where…


We think differently! How to keep track of your money
Surely, every person making money faced such a problem as unaccounted spending, forcing them to…
