Corporate site: necessity or excess?
Every year the Internet is increasingly penetrating our lives. Not so long ago - in…

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Блог про iPad
Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one
You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint…


The best world startups who have not asked anyone for money
Now the term "startup" will surprise no one - surely everyone has friends who have…

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9 bad habits that will help in business
1. Attention to detail Entrepreneurs think big, often ignoring the details. When you run a…

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about time

The phenomenon of demand: how to become a visionary of consumer desires?

“Five or six years ago, leading business thinkers surveyed by our company noticed an increase in instability and predicted a crisis,” says Adrian Slivotsky, who is also a member of the advisory board of Lviv Business School (LvBS). The same thing is happening now, he is sure, emphasizing that this development of events fits perfectly into the theory of the 7-year cycle of recessions. Continue reading

10 ways to always be in money

Anyway, much in modern life depends on money. Housing, most services, health – for all this you need to pay money. Leisure is also not without money. The conclusion is that an adult should be able to provide himself with money. However, in our difficult time, anything can happen – now reductions are frequent; the company can be liquidated; even if you quit yourself to find a better place, the search may take several months. Continue reading

3 signs that it's time for you to tie up with entrepreneurship
Building a business from scratch can be very exciting and fruitful, but in the end,…


Anti-crisis PR: how to promote a company and not to burn?
The crisis is the most difficult time for companies, during which it is important for…
