Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…

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5 signs that you should not open your business
To be or not to be your own business? This question is asked by many…


Internet and business: numbers and facts you need to know
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. In particular, it has a huge…

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Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one
You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint…

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attract customers who want

Facebook rules the market: why is the absence of a company on Facebook a costly mistake?

Perhaps, doing business, you blithely ignored the promotion of your company on social networks, in particular on Facebook. You may have thought that you should not worry about attracting customers who post photos on their pages of selfies, photos from places of entertainment or vacation. Continue reading

Uninvented story: as a business newcomer to get the first customers

When a completely new player enters the market, obviously, he is not at all threatened by great popularity. Moreover, even the search for first customers is often similar to the feat of Hercules, especially if it is a niche in which people with a name and authority have been working for a long time. Continue reading

10 ways to always be in money

Anyway, much in modern life depends on money. Housing, most services, health – for all this you need to pay money. Leisure is also not without money. The conclusion is that an adult should be able to provide himself with money. However, in our difficult time, anything can happen – now reductions are frequent; the company can be liquidated; even if you quit yourself to find a better place, the search may take several months. Continue reading

When is the best time to start your own business?
There are many start-ups around the world who have abandoned everything and decided that the…


State pressure on business: Is there a chance to survive
In the time of crisis, which Ukraine is experiencing now, business demonstrates a valuable ability…
