10 things that great entrepreneurs do
1. Choose one thing and be strong in it. Startups are small. Resources are limited.…

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Uninvented story: as a business newcomer to get the first customers
When a completely new player enters the market, obviously, he is not at all threatened…


Make customers not happy, but happy. Or 10 thoughts about the client
Thanks to the company's customers make a profit. Thanks to satisfied customers, companies are developing,…

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Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very…

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help you figure out whether

10 questions that should be answered before launching a franchise

With franchising, as with a marriage, do not rush. There is a high probability that no one will want to work under your brand, so you should be careful and think in detail about how to properly launch your brand franchise.

Put in the budget the full cost of the business, the cost of paperwork from lawyers, financial planning. True and this can not protect you from difficulties. Continue reading

Make customers not happy, but happy. Or 10 thoughts about the client
Thanks to the company's customers make a profit. Thanks to satisfied customers, companies are developing,…


5 signs that you should not open your business
To be or not to be your own business? This question is asked by many…
