Freelance Market 2015: Global Trend or Ukrainian Phenomenon?
In 2014, the volume of the Ukrainian freelance market in terms of earnings of freelancers…

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How to avoid common mistakes when creating a startup?
1. Raising your own talents Along with the fact that financial problems are increasingly fading…


10 things that great entrepreneurs do
1. Choose one thing and be strong in it. Startups are small. Resources are limited.…

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Writing a business plan: Financial forecast and team work
Writing a business plan is a complex process, preceded by market research and competitor analysis.…

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posting materials

5 small business mistakes when creating a company website

Before creating a website – it was a proven way for a company to stand out from the crowd. Today, this is no longer an option, since the vast majority of enterprises, including representatives of small businesses, can put a tick in the list of such “achievements”. Given the new conditions of the game, you need to create not just a site, but a good, functional site. Continue reading

10 ways to always be in money
Anyway, much in modern life depends on money. Housing, most services, health - for all…


Anti-crisis PR: how to promote a company and not to burn?
The crisis is the most difficult time for companies, during which it is important for…
