Preparing a business for the holidays: how to "seduce" customers using social networks?
Have you already thought about how to build a festive advertising campaign using social networks?…

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Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very…


Secrets of naming: history and useful tips
"As you call a ship, it will float in the same way" - popular wisdom,…

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Pros and cons of sharing business with your loved one
You need a plan of action if you nevertheless decide to engage in a joint…

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franchise that best fits

Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their product is and whether the market has been researched enough to open a new venture. But when a business plan is well developed and there is a need to move on to the next stage – fundraising, many people forget about another very important aspect of work – psychological readiness. Continue reading

How to evaluate a business?

The question of competent assessment of business today is more relevant than ever. Indeed, in a recessionary economy, business efficiency is equal to its market value. And business owners are “fighting” over key indicators. In addition, these indicators are extremely important if you plan to acquire a new or sell an existing business. Continue reading