How to avoid common mistakes when creating a startup?
1. Raising your own talents Along with the fact that financial problems are increasingly fading…

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Is it worth it to open a travel company
When the next wave of crisis comes, quite a few intelligent specialists become not very…


The Art of Making Money: The 12 Rules of Herbert Casson
A question that worries many and which is impossible to give a definite answer: on…

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Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?
As a rule, before starting their own business, people ask themselves about how competitive their…

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devices are often connected

IT market: How to survive in an era of crisis

According to  IDC’s assessment, the reduction of the traditional IT market in Ukraine in 2013 was 8% (including telephony, the growth was 3.7%) – with a weighted forecast of 0% a year earlier. Under a moderately optimistic scenario, the fall of the IT market in 2014 will be 25%. This is primarily due to a decrease in the purchasing power of both the state and private clients. In many ways, the current situation resembles the period of 2009, when companies were forced to revise their budgets, and IT in particular, in the direction of current needs – to “survive” here and now. Continue reading

Anti-crisis PR: how to promote a company and not to burn?

The crisis is the most difficult time for companies, during which it is important for any business to maintain its position and, if possible, strengthen it. Do not lose the audience and not drown in tons of news and every second updated social network feeds. Experts discussed this problem in the framework of “Surely a PR-marathon”, which took place on February 12. For the most interesting and practical advice on confronting the information crisis for companies, read our material. Continue reading

10 mistakes that are peculiar to all entrepreneurs

When starting a business, one often faces many difficulties: it is necessary to compete with other “novelties”, one has to draw up a business plan, look for an office, select employees, think over an advertising campaign. This list is endless. And this is not affecting the issues of financing. Continue reading

Anti-crisis PR: how to promote a company and not to burn?
The crisis is the most difficult time for companies, during which it is important for…


Preparing a business for the holidays: how to "seduce" customers using social networks?
Have you already thought about how to build a festive advertising campaign using social networks?…
